port 445 xp

Dealing with Port 445 Needless to say, you do NOT want port 445 exposed to the Internet. Like Windows port 135 (which is a whole different problem) port 445 is deeply embedded in Windows and can be difficult or impossible to safely close. While its closur

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  • above we can see the "rank", here we can see the vulnerability in the smb module...
    Exploit SMB on windows xp with Metasploit | scxo2oco71
  • Dealing with Port 445 Needless to say, you do NOT want port 445 exposed to the Internet. L...
    GRC | Port Authority, for Internet Port 445
  • Following is just quotation of two different sources which I used to successfully disable ...
    how to disable feature that opened port 445 on windows serve ...
  • Port(s) Protocol Service Details Source 445 tcp microsoft-ds TCP port 445 is used for dire...
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  • Opens port 445 on the Windows Firewall. ... Disclaimer The sample scripts are not supporte...
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  • 已知多個應用程式使用這個port 黃 0到1023號埠 [編輯] 以下列表僅列出常用埠,詳細的列表請參閱IANA網站 ... 445/UDP Microsoft-DS SMB SM...
    TCPUDP埠列表 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Microsoft's Windows operating system has improved a lot over the years since Windows 3...
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  • What's port 445 used for in Windows 2000/XP? Among the new ports used by Windows 2000,...
    What's port 445 used for in Windows 2000XP? ...
  • What is port 445 used for in Windows 2000/XP? Among the new ports used by Windows 2000, Wi...
    Whatis Port 445 in W2KXP2003? - Petri - Petri IT ...
  • I have software running on an older Windows XP computer. There is no replacement at this t...
    Windows XP, how to close port 445 - Experts-Exchange ...